SHFE Introduce Aluminum Oxide Futures Contract

The Shanghai Futures Exchange announce the introduction of an Aluminium Oxide Futures Contract as follows:

The SHFE Aluminum Oxide Futures Contract, the Designated Aluminum Oxide Factory Delivery Rules of the Shanghai Futures Exchange (trial), the Revised Clearing Rules of the Shanghai Futures Exchange, the Revised Delivery Rules of Shanghai Futures Exchange, the Revised Risk Management Rules of the Shanghai Futures Exchange, the Revised Hedge Trading Rules of the Shanghai Futures Exchange, the Revised Arbitrage Trading Rules of the Shanghai Futures Exchange, and the Revised Standard Warrant Rules of the Shanghai Futures Exchange have been adopted by the Board of Directors of Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE), and reported to the China Securities Regulatory Commission.

Please visit the official website of SHFE for the Chinese version. If there is any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail. 

1. SHFE Aluminum Oxide Futures Contract Specifications
2. Designated Aluminum Oxide Factory Delivery Rules of the Shanghai Futures Exchange (trial)
3. Comparative Table
4. Clearing Rules of the Shanghai Futures Exchange (revised version)
5. Delivery Rules of Shanghai Futures Exchange (revised version)
6. Risk Management Rules of the Shanghai Futures Exchange (revised version)
7. Hedge Trading Rules of the Shanghai Futures Exchange (revised version)
8. Arbitrage Trading Rules of the Shanghai Futures Exchange (revised version)
9. Standard Warrant Rules of the Shanghai Futures Exchange (revised version)


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