INE list ‘SHENGSHENG’ Copper Brand

INE announcement 31st July 2023:

‘The Shanghai International Energy Exchange (INE) has recently received the application for brand registration from WuZhou JinSheng Copper Co.Ltd In accordance with rules including the Registration Rules for Deliverable Commodities of Bonded Copper Futures and following the on-site inspection and sample testing, INE determines that “shengsheng”-branded Grade A copper cathodes produced by WuZhou JinSheng Copper Co.Ltd conform to all the specifications of the INE bonded copper futures contract. Accordingly, INE issues the following decisions:

1. INE approves the registration of “shengsheng” branded Grade A copper cathodes from WuZhou JinSheng Copper Co.Ltd with a registered production capacity of 300,000 mt and subject to standard delivery prices;

2. The above products are deliverable against relevant INE futures contracts as of the date of this Announcement.

Product information:

Registrant: WuZhou JinSheng Copper Co.Ltd

Place of Origin: Wuzhou Imported Renewable Resources Processing Park, LongXu District, Wuzhou City, Guangxi

Product Name: Grade A Copper Cathode

Registered Trademark: shengsheng

Labeling: (as shown below)

Dimension: Approx. 1,030×1,030×8 mm

Piece Weight: Approx. 75kg

Bundle Weight: Approx. 2,500 kg

Delivery Unit (25 mt): Approx. 10 bundles

Packaging Material: Bundled together with four Approx. 0.9×32mm steel straps with surface anti-rust treatment tightly applied in a dual-line grid (#) pattern.

Applicable Standard: Requirements set forth in the futures contract

Shanghai International Energy Exchange

July 31, 2023’


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