SHFE Revise Copper Cathode Specifications

SHFE announced on 17th June 2022 Extract below:

Circular on Releasing the Revised Copper Cathode Contract Specifications

The revised Copper Cathode Contract Specifications of the Shanghai Futures Exchange have been reviewed and adopted by the Board of Directors of Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE), and reported to the China Securities Regulatory Commission. These rules are hereby released and shall take effect from December 21, 2022. Standard warrants can only be issued according to the new delivery grade from December 21, 2022. The existing standard warrants of #1 Standard copper (Cu-CATH-2) must be cancelled and converted to physicals from June 19, 2023.

Please visit the official website of SHFE for the Chinese version. If there is any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.

1.Comparative Table
2.Note on Revisions
3.Copper Cathode Contract Specifications (Revised)


Shanghai Futures Exchange
June 17, 2022


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