LME list ‘TENGYUAN’ Cobalt Brand

On 20th June 2023 the LME listed ‘TENGYUAN’ brand under its Cobalt contract:

‘Further to notice 23/089, the Exchange has approved the listing of Cobalt brand TENGYUAN, which constitutes good delivery against the LME’s Cobalt contract with immediate effect.

Brand details


Producer: Ganzhou Tengyuan Cobalt New Material Co., Ltd No. 9 Xijin Avenue, Ganzhou Hi – Tech Industrial Development Zone, Ganxian District, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, China

Plant: As above

Annual plant capacity: 2,000mt

Delivarable Shape: Cathodes (Cut)

Drum net weight: : 250kgs

LMEsword code: TENGY

Cobalt of this brand must conform to the following chemical composition (% m/m):

Abbie West
Brands Listing Manager

cc: Board Directors, Lithium and Cobalt Committee


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