LME list ‘TAV’ Primary Aluminium Brand

On 4th September 2024 the LME listed ‘TAV’ brand under its Primary Aluminium contract:

‘Further to notice 24/140, the Exchange has approved the listing of TAV brand, which constitutes good delivery against the LME’s High Grade Primary Aluminium contract with immediate effect.

Brand details

Brand: TAV

Producer: Trimet Aluminium SE, Aluminiumallee 1, 45138 Essen, Germany

Plant: Niederlassung Voerde, Schleusenstrasse 11, 46562 Voerde, Germany

Annual plant capacity: 95,000mt

Product Shape: Sows

Dimensions: 1320mm x 1140mm x 390mm approx.

Piece weight: 700kgs approx.

LMEsword code: TAV

Liz Sullivan
Deputy Head of Sustainability and Physical Market Operations

cc: Board directors, Aluminium committee’


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