LME list ‘DX-zwdx’ Nickel Brand

On 23rd May 2024 the LME listed ‘DX-zwdx’ brand under its Nickel contract:

‘Further to notice 24/114, the Exchange has approved the listing of DX-zwdx brand, which constitutes good delivery against the LME’s Nickel contract with immediate effect.

Brand details

Brand: DX-zwdx

Producer: PT CNGR Ding Xing New Energy Gedung Imip, Jalan Batu Mulia 8, Desa/Kelurahan Meruya Utara, Kec. Kembangan, Kota Adm. Jakarta Barat, Provinsi DKI Jakarta, Kode Pos: 11620, Indonesia

Plant: Jalan Trans Sulawesi, Kawasan Industri Morowali, Kab., Morowali Provinsi, Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia

Annual plant capacity: 50,000mt

Product Shape: Full plate cathodes

Dimensions: 910mm x 900mm x 4.75mm approx.

Piece weight: 34kg approx.

Bundle weight: 1500kg approx.

LMEsword code: DXZWDX

Carmelina Stubbs
Brand Listing Coordinator

cc: Board directors, Nickel committee’


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