DGCX list ‘Sam Precious Metals FZ LLC’

DCCC announcement 21st November 2022:

‘Notice to all Members,

Subject: Addition of Sam Precious Metals FZ LLC (SPM) to the List of Approved Refineries/Brands for Spot Gold Contract.

This notice is in pursuance of By-laws of DGCX, Clearing Rules of DCCC; and Notice No. TRDG-2015-035 dated November 30, 2015, and Notice No. CLRG-2015-038 dated December 07,2015 the following is hereby notified:

List of Approved Refiners/Brands for Spot Gold Contract

Members are requested to take note of the revisions above.

For Dubai Commodities Clearing Corporation

Eren Gegin

Head of Clearing and Risk Management’


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